06 September 2007

She is a sick nation that sees Justice,
the world by a sash is blinded
accordingly across the eyes,
not My judge.

02 June 2007


01 June 2007

New Plans Pass Fort God Planning Commission Tuesday Night

In Other News
Ms. Gabriele's cow came home
Mr. Todd's lua menu included
whole hog over peach and last
years cock-fight champions
roasted with a glaze of cherry
and Ragnaud-Sabourin XO
Grande Champagne Cognac.

07 May 2007

Pioneer Days! Carnie, at
the dart booth, shared a video she took
of a 17 yr gal during the festival.
Red was enjoyed the dance.

05 April 2007

Ash Wednesday

Thank Je$u$ for Beer!
and camping. and chocolate.
and everything else that is good about Easter.
Like bunnies.

The myspace call for jokes has reulted in only
one return thus far. I shall post it here for the
sake of preserving the 'nothing is sacred' rule:

Q: What do they call black people in the South?
A: Niggers

From Mr. Assbabius Extremus.
Maybe he's been watching seinfeld again,
god have mercy on his eternal soul.

Absent a good cracker joke to pair against
it that one won't make it to the story.

you'd think that between jesus coming around and
all the chocolate and the kids (only ones with any sense)
who believe in the damn easter bunny
people would be more willing to
contribute to a story where the entire body is
devoted to jokes and funny stories and
the intro and outro involve
nietzsche in zartathustra-spandex arriving at
the eternal recurrence.

maybe i just need another beer.
who knows.