25 August 2002

Why would we assume to know the unknowable mysteries of BWENEUM? Why would we assume to know all of that which BWENEUM has created. In thy presence, O BWENEUM, we are all but like childern, lost and crying for imaginary father, up away from us, like so much bad meat, stinking from far away, with so many slings of old. We presume not to know when we are wise, for then we speak along, with the flow of BWENEUM. BWENEUM represents order. BWENEUM represents what is right. This I know, O BWENEUM, who art my BWENUEM. None can be known but you and your works. For naught else does exist! We are all that was and will be, forever and forever, througout all the ages of the world, forever and forever.

Those who cherish the world look not to BWENEUM! For BWENEUM cherishes nothing but trash! ---The words of a fool! We, procreaters of humanity, bound together by our common faith in BWENEUM, must prepare the world to look BWENEUM straight in the eye, not flinching and knowing that BWENEUM is everything, including all that appears and all that is, and all that BWENEUM hath created. We must oppose those who disbelieve, whether it be in the mountains or on the field, in the air or in the sky, but most troublesome are those that think not and yet live among us. The weak and the cowardly. To sinners the fruits of the failures!

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